Saturday, December 28, 2019

Best Places to Learn to Code for Free

Best Places to Learn to Code for FreeBest Places to Learn to Code for FreeIf youre itching to learn coding, but lack the time or money for a formal class, try taking a course at any of these 11 online academies. All of them offer their courses for free, and some offer certifications for a small fee. Codecademy Chances are if you have looked into learning to code before, youve encountered Codecademy, an online educational platform. Its easy to use and displays the results as youre coding. Codecademy offers a wide range of programming languages including hypertext markup language CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Angularjs, Command Line, and more. Free Code Camp Free Code Camp starts you off with a curriculum of 800 hours of coding, followed by 800 hours of hands-on experience coding for non-profits. Its a great way to build a portfolio after learning the skills. Available tutorials include Python, Java, Ruby, and PHP, HTML, CSS, DevTools, Node.js, Angular.js, and more. GA Das h General Assemblys free online learning platform is project-based, with each lesson consisting of coding a single project. GA Dash offers HTML, CSS, and Java as well as a few course options that others dont, such as responsive design and building a Tumblr theme from scratch. Codewars Codewars adds some fun with martial-arts themed challenges called kata. You gain honors and a higher rank with each complete kata. More honors and a higher rank mean more difficult challenges, so theres always something new to work on. Codewars requires some knowledge in one of the coding languages that they offer as a prerequisite for signing up. These include CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Clojure, Haskell, with more on the way, including C and PHP. Coursera Coursera is a virtual university with a wide range of science and liberal arts courses taught by professors from leading universities, and theyre all free. If you want theoretical education on data science or even an introducti on to programming Android apps, this may be your best option. If you want a certificate indicating completion of a course, you will pay a small fee, from $30 to $100. edX edX offers a wide range of courses including programming languages, supported by universities and their professors. Many of the classes can be taken at your own pace and arent limited to set dates. Like Coursera, if you want credentials for the class, youd need to pay $30 to $100. Khan Academy The nonprofit Khan Academy offers a wide range of educational YouTube videos in many languages. It even has one that teaches the basics of coding in one hour. Coding languages offered include JavaScript, HTML CSS, and SQL. Many other programming and computer science topics are available. MIT OpenCourseWare No enrollment is necessary to access this collection of MIT course materials. Its programming topics range from introductions in engineering problem solving to algorithms used in computer animation. The assignments f or some courses do not include answers to questions. The Odin Project Made by the creators of Viking Code School, an online coding boot camp, the Odin Project is free to all. Its project-based and offers a final course in getting hired with your newfound skills, which is a bonus. Coding languages offered include HTML, CSS, JavaScript jQuery, and Ruby on Rails. Udemy Udemy offers paid and free courses in many topics, including programming. They are community-created courses, so read the course reviews before diving in. The Code Player This compilation of video tutorials walks you through a process from start to finish. It may be best used in conjunction with other sites or courses, as its based entirely on small concepts and projects. Your Best Choice If youre determined to learn to code, try a few of these offerings before diving deeper into the one that is best suited to your learning style.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Axion Data Entry Services Work at Home Jobs

Axion Data Entry Services Work at Home JobsAxion Data Entry Services Work at Home JobsData outsourcing firm Axion Data Entry Services is made up mostly ofindependent contractors who perform data entry for company clients. These jobs are performed off-site and usually from home.However, the workforcein the United States issmall- about 60 to 70 professional data entry operators who have been with the company for years- and turnover is low. Opportunities at Axion Data Entry Services The data entry work that Axion Data Entry Services offers is fairly standard, and includesentering data from scanned images. The company incorporates document scanning and advanced data capture and recognition technologies for accuracy. Some of the types of data entry projects that Axion contractors work on are loyalty program applications, contest entries, advertising insertions, customer response cards, student records, product registrations and questionnaires. Most of its operators work part time, 20 to 25 hours per week, but the amount of work available varies. Each agent establishes a flexible schedule. Agents log on to the companys system, review available projects and choose which ones to do. Qualifications and Requirements for Axion Basic computer skills, such as installing and removing software, creating new folders, sending emails and using the internet, are required. Additionally, accurate data entry skills and following instructions are important qualifications. Operators must provide and maintain their computer- either a Windows PC or Mac system- and a high-speed internet connection. Contractors must have either a telephone answering machine or voice mail. Data entry clerks are expected to download some free software, and Mac users may need to purchase remote desktop software to connect to the company work site. Applicantsmust sign a release to allow the company to perform a criminal background investigation, which may determinesuitability as a contractor. No one i s asked to sign a release until the company contacts the applicant regarding a possible opening. After receiving a clean criminal record report, the applicant is asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Pay and Benefits at Axion. All data entry agents are hired as independent contractors. This means there are no benefits and no guarantee of a nadir wage, or of regular wage increases. Axion Data Entry Services pays its data entry operators on a per piece basis, which varies based on the complexity of the project. According to the company website, in some projects, the data entered is small, and agents can input several forms per minute at a compensation rate of a few cents per form. Other projects require 30 to 60 minutes per document, with compensation of a few dollars per document. Agents submit invoices for theirwork every two weeks and are paid 28 days later. Applying to Axion Data Services The Axion Data Services website isclear that it doesnt have many jobs available and cannot predict when that will change.However, you may register your information in case the company needs people in the future. In addition to its U.S. workers, Axion also uses subcontractors in India. There are no fees to apply or register with Axion Data Entry Services. Disclaimer Ads for home-based jobs or business opportunities on this web page are not necessarily legitimate. These ads are not pre-screened and appear on the page due to having similar keywords to the text on the page.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why we should get rid of generational labels in the workplace

Why we should get rid of generational labels in the workplaceWhy we should get rid of generational labels in the workplaceMany people seem determined to group all millennials into a single box, which seems a little unimaginative at best, considering demographers cant even unilaterally agree on what exactly constitutes a millennial.Whatever you call this group, theres no denying the fact that millennials have a tremendous effect on the way we all work - but then again, so do the generations that came before and after. The real challenge is to find meaningful lessons beyond descriptors based on age.Heres why generational labels can cause problems in the workplace and how we should think about age at work instead.Labels are open for misinterpretationPeople have long lumped members of generations together, said Phyllis Weiss Haserot, president of Practice Development Counsel, who specializes in intergenerational work relationships. It makes for good media stories with a lot of misinterp retations and misunderstanding. A fascinating article on NPR on the naming of generationscredits historian William Strauss and his co-author the late Neil Howe for naming and referencing the group starting with those who graduated high school in 2000 in their books The History of Americas Future, 1584 to 2069 and Millennials Rising The Next Great Generation.One problemwith this (in addition to the fact that everyone is an individual) is that the older and younger halves of each generation are different from each other because of different formative economic, political, social and cultural influences, Haserot said.This means you might have micro-groups within groups. Some younger Boomers even created their own name, Generation Jones (a reference to the phrase keeping up with the Joneses), Haserot said.They are self-fulfillingIf you assume millennials have no work ethic, you wont give them meaningful responsibilities and hence youll never be impressed by any one individual, thus confi rming the label, saidWes Higbee, President, Full City Tech Co.How can we go beyondlabels on a daily basis? Higbee said he evaluates his own biases.I might assume that millennials dont take notlagees and dont listen well in meetings, and so I spend half an hour typing up notes after every meeting, he said. Maybe the reality is I have a few lackadaisical employees, and I can work with them to be more responsible - or just get rid of them - instead of labeling all young people as lazy and wasting hours every week typing up notes. They ignore individual differencesTim Elmore, president of Growing Leaders, a nonprofit global leadership training and development organization, refers to those born since 1990 as Generation iY and describes them as having a plugged-in lifestyle and wanting immediate gratification.He said that the generations who came before can help teach them how to builda healthy sense of interdependence- not a narcissistic independence or needy co-dependence.Help them to develop personal values, he said. They must see themselves as individuals who possess a set of values, but who collaborate with other generations.That may include helping them to make and keep short-term commitments, working with them to simplify their lives beyond the pursuit of perfection, and enabling them to set realistic goals.You will find they often possess lofty dreams, and they need help turning them into bite-size objectives with deadlines, he said. Dont rain on their parade- just help them take realistic steps, one at a time, toward their target. Encourage them to set short-term goals that are achievable and keep momentum toward the long-term goal. They isolate employeesHelene Cruz, Director of Career Counseling at Pace University Career Services, said she isproud that her team is multi-generational.We have established a culture that cultivates learning from one another across seven generations, she said. We appreciate our millennial colleagues and rely on the fact that t hey are technically-savvy and creative, ready to bring new ideas to the table and not afraid to embark on new initiatives. All employees, no matter their age, contribute to the organization, Cruz said.We glean a tremendous amount of insight from our millennial teammates because they are closer in age to the students and can more fully express the student perspective/experience, she said.In turn, because employer representatives are also our clients, many Baby Boomers and Gen X staff have previously worked in various industries, have hired employees, and therefore can speak to the needs of the employers, which we share with our millennial teammates. The focus should not be on how generations differ, but on how they can work together, Cruz said.Establish environments where they interact with multiple generations, she said.Highlight the strengths of people at different ages in life, and how each person adds value. Find or create situations where different generations can interact mean ingfully.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Turbocharge Your Hiring Process

How to Turbocharge Your Hiring ProcessHow to Turbocharge Your Hiring ProcessCurrent market dynamics arent favorable to employers. The fact remains that skilled candidates are in high demand and short supply. But theres also a chance you may be partly contributing to the recruiting challenges your firm is facing. Answering these three questions can help you determine if thats the case.1. Am I looking for a job candidate who doesnt exist?Dont set the bar to unreasonable heights when laying out your candidate requirements. This is a key reason I see the hiring process drag on. Many employers ask for everything but the kitchen sink in the job posting - years of relevant experience, multiple professional certifications, knowledge of the industry, familiarity with several specialized software platforms, and maybe a degree from an Ivy League school to boot. Few, if any, candidates are likely to meet these prerequisites.Ask yourself this Have I ever encountered a professional who has all th e skills, experience and credentials Im looking for? If not, youll want to be more flexible with your hiring criteria.Decide on four or five must-have skills or attributes that a professional needs in order to perform the job well. Use these qualities as the basis for your candidate evaluations. If you come across an applicant who fits that bill, and also has the right personality and interpersonal abilities to thrive at your firm, youll want to consider extending a job offer.HIRING? WE CAN HELP2. Am I making hiring a top priority?Just thinking about the fact that you need to hire more people isnt enough to actually staff your open positions. Of course youre busy. Reviewing resumes and interviewing potential hires may seem impossible to squeeze into your already overpacked schedule. But you must make the time. There are no two ways around it. Hiring will simply not happen otherwise.Delegating the task to HR isnt the answer. As a business leader, you need to be actively involved in t he hiring process because no one knows the position and requirements better than you do. An HR representative doesnt understand the day-to-day workings of the role. Only you can read between the lines of the resume and accurately size up a candidate during the interview.I suggest you reserve time on your calendar specifically for hiring activities - asking your network (and staff) for leads, creating a solid job description, meeting with specialized recruiters, reviewing resumes, interviewing, checking references, and more. I assure you, it will be time well spent. You will see your hiring process speed up as a result.3. Am I leaning too hard on my staff?You have great people on your team. Have you thought about what you would do without them - especially now, when youre understaffed, and workloads arent easing up?With that in mind, think about this Is there a chance your team is doing such a good job at juggling right now that you dont feel the pressure to accelerate your hiring process?If you dont provide them with some relief soon - by stepping up hiring and, perhaps, engaging temporary and project professionals to ease the burden while you search - you may not need to imagine what the office will be like without them. Theyll be gone.The time to turbocharge your hiring process is nowUnemployment is low and has been for a while. Im not an economist, but if the past is any indication, you can be sure of one thing Skilled talent will always be in demand.So its time to take hiring off the back burner and turn up the gas. If you invest the time and effort in the hiring process and hire right, youll reap benefits for your firm immediately and over the long run.Learn why Robert Half is the right choice for you. Paul McDonald Paul McDonald is senior exe cutive director at Robert Half. He writes and speaks frequently on hiring, workplace and career management topics. Over the course of more than 30 years in the recruiting field, McDonald has advised thousands of company leaders and job seekers on how to hire and get hired.McDonald joined Robert Half in 1984 as a recruiter for financial and accounting professionals in Boston, following a public accounting career with Price Waterhouse. In the 1990s, he became president of the Western United States overseeing all of the companys operations in the region. McDonald become senior executive director of Robert Half Management Resources in 2000, and assumed his current role in 2012. He earned a bachelors degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting from St. Bonaventure University in New York.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Danger Signs on Writing Generator You Should Be Aware Of

Danger Signs on Writing Generator You Should Be Aware Of Use the button to upload the image to Imgur, or you may also click on as youre designing your text to observe the way that it appears like against different forms of backgrounds. If youd like to understand how to raise word count, our verbose generator provides an advanced scanning system capable of locating a bigger choice of words. The themes button lets you create custom made themes, with your own background, font and so forth. After you have perfected your resource, hit the Create button and well inform you when its been published. The way a particular algorithm works is set by the kind of summarization that the tool performs. With our super quick tool, you wont need to struggle any more. A summarizer tool may still be a big help when youve got to examine werkstoff to get ready for a test or exam. All automated summary tools rely on a particular algorithm to create the desired outcome. If you dont need to miss futu re writing posts, make certain to subscribe to the blog its possible to join below. If youre seeking to begin a web site, Ive also made a page with creative tools that can help you create blog names. You dont need to make it hard for them to envision how the last website will appear. Creating an author website and social networking profiles is an essential part of book advertising. The Bizarre Secret of Writing Generator With our academic writing service, you will receive the best result you may ever imagine. When a writing procedure is utilized to teach writing, students start to understand writing as a sort of communication. Youll realize that writing is much simpler when you dont need to overload your head with how youre likely to cite all of it. Error-free academic writing is straightforward. Make your choices based on what you need to achieve as a writer, and what exactly you want to be successful. The part of a descriptive title, generally, is to briefly characterize the topics for the narrative essay youre working on. Whatever idea you would like to rely on, its necessary for you to say who the writer is. Nobody will figure out about your usage of such services, especially your professors. Explain the value of your topic or the info you merely presented. Also, you can get research paper from our services. A superb paper should depend on reliable evidence and appropriate research. Our text inflator is fast and easy to use. Modern-day summarization tools are capable of delivering a good result irrespective of the texts complexity and the duration of summary that you want to get. The text will initially be set on the exterior of the path. Your text will subsequently appear upside down. To begin with, choose the color that you need to utilize in the consequent text. Its possible to control various colours and unique attributes of the letters. In reality, there are a number of advantages of using handwriting fonts. Styles for each font are a mix of textures and solid colours. Then you are able to repeat the exact same letter or stichwort for so long as it can take to receive it right. Various synonyms are offered and you also have the chance of adding words or altering the building of a sentence by yourself. It is a fact that grammar is a significant part of teaching writing. In both instances, automatic rephrasing with rephrase sentences on the internet is surely the solution to your problems. Writing Generator - What Is It? Youll receive all the very same critical data, only much quicker, and without needing to read through all of the text yourself (which might contain a whole lot of unimportant stuff, too). Our expert verbose generator will be a lot more capable of helping with a massive selection of distinct materials. If youre a fan of the Pomodoro technique to boost your productivity, then youll require a complimentary timer. You may also choose whether to include word issues. The Lost Secret of Writing Generator The Content Idea Generator is a valuable resource for creating crazy and fantastic titles. Its quick and simple to receive your Chinese name. Tell us in the delivery instructions when you proceed through the purchase procedure. Unit tests are made into the rules.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The War Against Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas

The War Against Best Rated Resume Writing tafelgeschirr Dallas The Pain of Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Our research paper writing assistance includes many advantages Writing a letter to him is frequently an amazing approach for the reason that it enables you time to gather your ideas and express them in a sense thats non-confrontational. To delight in a flawless interview, applicants should be ready to answer various types of questions. You might even miss your fantasy job because of shoddy work. If you opt to create the choice on your own, youre risking a lot. For some of them you will require help, while others its possible to write by yourself. You require assistance with making a resume. What Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Is - and What it Is Not Hr services providing you the expert identity you have earned. The major job of a network administrator is to produce and manage networks be it a little thing or a huge thing. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to steer clear of low high quality services. You desire a graduate program thats tailored to your requirements. Resume plays a crucial function in getting good jobs. Selecting a professional resume writer is a worthwhile investment and might even prove to be among the best decisions in your career. Work life is changing, however, and its no longer unusual for employees to change positions many times during their careers. The Argument About Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Its important to employ a service which provides you a wonderful price for top quality. On top of that, our cost of resume writing services is among the lowest on the industry. The review is going to teach you whatever you want to understand and then youre able to place your purchase confidently. The completely free review is in fact free, hassle-free, and doesnt demand a credit card to begin. However polished your writing skills are, oc casionally its much better to employ a professional who can frame your experiences in a manner that enables you to command the interest of the greatest companies in your industry. All our writers pass a considerable procedure to look at their abilities. Your own personal writer will allow you to create a verlottern resume, dependent on your career story and meeting all of the high standards of your industry. Choosing a Professional Resume Writer is a superb idea for the majority of professionals since resume writing is a distinctive skill. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Graduate school isnt for the timid at heart. Its advisable since it offers you time to rethink what you wish to say to him. Resumes are not something which a person composes every day. Youve got to compose several academic papers over the duration of a year. Most Noticeable Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Examine the hobbies you most enjoy, the sorts of work and work settings that you enjoy the very best, the kinds of life experiences that you gravitate towards. If you see a service we havent evaluated, dont hesitate to drop us a message and were going to look it over whenever possible. The service employs an individual approach for writing all sorts of personalized documents, including cover letters and other sorts of employment-related correspondence. If you are searching for a higher-end company, please see the top 10 list mentioned previously. Top Best Rated Resume Writing Service Dallas Secrets All the work ought to be used in compliance with the suitable policies and applicable laws. The organization utilizes an individual approach to each customer and customizes every resume. Personal companies dont have any legal obligations to continue to keep their financial statements public. Getting to be aware of the business in which you intend to work can assist you in making informed decisions with your prospective employer s line of questioning.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How To Write A Cover Letter For Your Resume

How To Write A Cover Letter For Your ResumeHow To Write A Cover Letter For Your ResumeWhen you apply for jobs,employers usually ask for a titelseite letter alongwith your resume (For a great resume building experience visit Resumonk). A cover letter is leidhing but an introduction to your resume and should hence be organized,relevant,customized and nothing short of great. It basically tells the employer why he/she should read your resume, call you for an interview and subsequently hire you.While there are many sites out there to help you with the formatting and content of a cover letter, here are a few basics.The cover letter usually consists of 3-4 paragraphsThe opening paragraph is the most important paragraph as the employer forms a sort of first impression of you by looking at it.Its a good practice to mention the place/person from where you heard about the job.It is,however,not a pre-requisite and should be done only in some cases.One should also mention the post he/she is apply ing for.The employer basically needs to know why you are writing to them.Next,you mention your relevant skills and accomplishments.Be careful not to make it look like a mini-resume. Write only about your most important skills,accomplishments and qualities.The employer will get to know about you in detail by looking at your resume,hence this is not the right place.In the final paragraph,mention why you think youre right for the job.Try convincing the employer but be mindful of keeping it short and attractive.Conclude the letter by directing the employer to the enclosed resume and thanking him/her.Things to keep in mindIt goes without saying that cover letter (just as your resume) should be relevant.Refrain from mentioning any skill or accomplishment that is not related to the job you are applying for.Most employers dont have enough time to read long letters and usually skim through the page(s).Hence try remaining as to the point as possible.Unless you are applying as an actor or some similar job,do not enclose a photograph of yours(unless asked of course).It is,however,to be kept in mind that the above information is only a set of basic guidelines and there can be variations depending on the type of job youre applying for as well as your form of application.For example,while applying through post one also has to be mindful of how/where to write the address,what kind of paper to be used and other such things.Even the slightest negligence on your part might cost you the job (Remember,when the number of applicants are large you dont want to give the employer a reason not to select you). Hence research well and write the best letter possible.All the bestThis post has been contributed by Srishti Singh.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Work-life balance lessons from Arianna Huffington

Work-life balance lessons from Arianna HuffingtonWork-life balance lessons from Arianna HuffingtonReformed workaholic Arianna Huffington shares zu sich secrets of success without stress.If you spend most of your time feeling like youve got too much to do, you might feel better when you look at whats on Arianna Huffingtons plate.As head of one of the worlds most influential news and information brands, The Huffington deutsche post ag, the sheer amount of data that this mother of two is responsible for overseeing can make your head spin. Despite these intense professional and personal responsibilities, Huffington has found a way to stay centered in the midst of competing demands that could easily feel chaotic.I had a chance to interview Huffington to ask her how she does it- and how others can follow her example to achieve a better work-life balance of their own.Create New HabitsIn Thrive, Huffington advocates taking a few simple steps at the personal level that can lead to dramatic ef fects on your well-being. I personally start every morning with 20 to 30 minutes of meditation, and in Thrive I recommend very small, manageable steps, including introducing 5 minutes of meditation into your day and getting just 30 minutes more sleep than you are getting now, says Huffington. These small changes can open the door to creating a new habit- and all the many proven benefits it brings.Course-CorrectWith her high-profile role in the media and mind-boggling responsibilities at HuffPo, you might wonder how consistently Huffington is able to follow her sleep and meditation routine, as well as other recommendations she gives readers.On the whole Im able to follow my own recommendations, though of course I slip up from time to time, admits Huffington.If she feels herself falling out of balance, Huffington has a strategy for catching herself quickly.I find that the easiest way for me to course-correct is by focusing on my breathing, says Huffington. Conscious breathing is somet hing I can return to hundreds of times during the day in an instant. It helps me introduce pauses into my daily life, brings me back into the moment, and helps me transcend upsets and setbacks.She adds that focusing on her breathing has helped her become much more aware of when she holds or constricts her breath- not just when dealing with a problem, but sometimes even when shes doing something as mundane as putting a key in the door, texting, reading an email, or going over her schedule. When I use my breath to relax the contracted core of my body, I can follow this thread back to my center, says Huffington.Go PublicHow can you increase your resolve to keep your work-life in better balance? Huffington recommends spreading the word about it.Ive learned that going public about your decision- to meditate, to get more sleep, whatever it may be- can be one way to make that commitment stick, says Huffington. Youll be surrounded, as I found out, by sympathetic friends who have been wantin g to do the same thing and will help you stick to your goals.In Huffingtons case, after blogging on the Huffington Post about her commitment to get more sleep, complete strangers began coming up to her at events, glancing at their watches. They were wondering how much longer I planned to stay and whether I was going to be able to get my eight hours, recalls Huffington. I felt like a kid out on a school night- with dozens of babysitters all anxious to help me keep my commitment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Accept and Move Past a Job Rejection Find Your Dream Job

How to Accept and Move Past a Job Rejection Find Your Dream JobHow to Accept and Move Past a Job Rejection - Find Your Dream JobOn Day 29, you learned how to either accept or reject a job offer. But what if you apply to your dream job, interview, and do not get the job? Being turned down for a job is never easy, but you dont have to let it disrupt your job search. Below are a few tips on how to accept, and move on from, a job rejection. Be Upset Upon realizing you did not get a job, it is perfectly normal to be upset or angry. Allow yourself some time to feel those feelings. Find an effective way to process those emotions. Talk to a supportive family member or friend about the situation, take a relaxing bath, or go for a walk or run outside. Take some time to feel and deal with your emotions. Gain Some Perspective Spend time with family and friends to remember what is most important in your life. Consider volunteering giving back to others will help you remember what you ha ve to offer outside of your job (it will also help you continue to gain new contacts). Move On Eventually, you have to let the rejection go and return to your job search. Dont think of it as going back to the drawing board. By writing a resume, conducting informational interviews, and practicing writing titelseite letters, you have already developed a number of tools and strategies to continue to help you with your job search. Reconnect with some of your contacts, let them know you are still looking for a job, attend another job fair, and continue job searching online. Reflect on Your Job Search Rather than dwell on a job rejection, try to learn from any mistakes you made. If you think your resume is unorganized, talk to a career coach to learn strategies for improving your resume. If you realize you had some grammatical mistakes in your cover letter, have a friend or family member thoroughly read over your next letter. If you struggled to answer particular questions in the interview, practice your interview skills with a friend before the next interview. By learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them, you can improve your chances of landing that dream job. Try not to be too discouraged - job searching is hard work. Stay positive, as best you can, and the right job will come along. It might not be as quickly as youd like, but it will happen